Learning by doing, code the world better :)

Code as I live


SE Side Project

Backend development

Build backend services with Java Spring boot ecosystem.
WareHouse system : WareHouse management tool
Blog system : Markdown blog system
ChatRoom : Chat service with webSocket

SE Side Project

Backend development

Build backend apps (restaurant, social media) with Python Django framework DJPlayground for more inform.

DE Side Project

Big data development

Design/Implement stream/batch architecture on NYC taxi data via Spark/MapReduce/ELK/Kafka/Cloud. Project : NYC Taxi Pipeline

DE Side Project

Infra development

Build POC data infrastructure/services via docker: Hadoop clusters/Celery workers/ Kafka-zookeeper/ELK. "Data As Service" => The project : Data Infra Repo

DS Side Project

NYC Taxi Trip

Develop models approachs / Offer recommendations on various practical problems with Python/scikit-learn, Please visit Kaggle NYC Trip Prediction for more inform.

SE Side Project

Web Scraping / Scala development ...

Other applications for automation, full stack web developments web_scraping, ScalaPlayground