



Local dev -> Local train -> Unit-test -> Docker build -> Travis (CI/CD) -> Deploy to Dockerhub  -> Deploy to AWS ECS -> Online train -> API ready

File structure

├── Dockerfile        : Dockerfile build web service (ML api)
├── Predict           : Main class for ML prediction
├── api               : API runner (flask web server)
├── data              : Train, and test data
├── log               : Service log file
├── model             : File storage trained models 
├── output            : File storage ML prediction output
├── requirements.txt  : Python dependency
├── script            : Helper scripts (parse json, upload files..)
└── tests             : Unit-test scripts
└── utils             : utils class for file/S3 IO..


Quick start

Quick start Docker ```bash # Docker $ docker build . -t house_pred_env $ docker run -p 8000:8000 -it house_pred_env $ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/train $ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d $(python script/ http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input ```
Quick start maunally ```bash # Maunally method I $ python api/ $ python script/ $ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d $(python script/ http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input # Maunally method II $ python api/ $ python script/ $ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"MSSubClass":20.0,"LotFrontage":100.0,"LotArea":17500.0,"OverallQual":7.0,"OverallCond":8.0,"YearBuilt":1959.0,"YearRemodAdd":2002.0,"MasVnrArea":0.0,"BsmtFinSF1":1406.0,"BsmtFinSF2":0.0,"BsmtUnfSF":496.0,"TotalBsmtSF":1902.0,"1stFlrSF":1902.0,"2ndFlrSF":0.0,"LowQualFinSF":0.0,"GrLivArea":1902.0,"BsmtFullBath":1.0,"BsmtHalfBath":0.0,"FullBath":2.0,"HalfBath":0.0,"BedroomAbvGr":3.0,"KitchenAbvGr":1.0,"TotRmsAbvGrd":7.0,"Fireplaces":2.0,"GarageYrBlt":1959.0,"GarageCars":2.0,"GarageArea":567.0,"WoodDeckSF":0.0,"OpenPorchSF":207.0,"EnclosedPorch":162.0,"3SsnPorch":0.0,"ScreenPorch":0.0,"PoolArea":0.0,"MiscVal":0.0,"MoSold":5.0,"YrSold":2010.0}' http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input ```
Useage of the API 0. API Helloworld - Endpoint: `/` ```bash $ curl http://localhost:8000/ # API Hello World! ``` 1. Check API status - Endpoint: `/REST/api/v1.0/health` ```bash $ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/health # { # "api_status": "OK", # "http_status": 200 # } ``` 2. API document - Endpoint: `/REST/api/v1.0/doc` ```bash $ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/doc # ``` 2. Train a model - Endpoint: `/REST/api/v1.0/train` ```bash $ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/train ``` 3. Predict with test data - Endpoint: `/REST/api/v1.0/predict` ```bash $ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict ``` 4. Predict with input json - Endpoint: `/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input` ```bash $ curl -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"MSSubClass":20.0,"LotFrontage":100.0,"LotArea":17500.0,"OverallQual":7.0,"OverallCond":8.0,"YearBuilt":1959.0,"YearRemodAdd":2002.0,"MasVnrArea":0.0,"BsmtFinSF1":1406.0,"BsmtFinSF2":0.0,"BsmtUnfSF":496.0,"TotalBsmtSF":1902.0,"1stFlrSF":1902.0,"2ndFlrSF":0.0,"LowQualFinSF":0.0,"GrLivArea":1902.0,"BsmtFullBath":1.0,"BsmtHalfBath":0.0,"FullBath":2.0,"HalfBath":0.0,"BedroomAbvGr":3.0,"KitchenAbvGr":1.0,"TotRmsAbvGrd":7.0,"Fireplaces":2.0,"GarageYrBlt":1959.0,"GarageCars":2.0,"GarageArea":567.0,"WoodDeckSF":0.0,"OpenPorchSF":207.0,"EnclosedPorch":162.0,"3SsnPorch":0.0,"ScreenPorch":0.0,"PoolArea":0.0,"MiscVal":0.0,"MoSold":5.0,"YrSold":2010.0}' http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_with_input ``` 5. List trained models - Endpoint: `/REST/api/v1.0/model_list` ```bash $ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/model_list ``` 6. List ML predictions - Endpoint: `/REST/api/v1.0/predict_list` ```bash $ curl http://localhost:8000/REST/api/v1.0/predict_list ```


Development ```bash # unit test $ pytest -v tests/ # ============================ test session starts ============================= # platform darwin -- Python 3.6.10, pytest-5.3.3, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /Users/yennanliu/anaconda3/envs/yen_dev/bin/python # cachedir: .pytest_cache # rootdir: /Users/yennanliu/HousePricePredAPI # collected 18 items # tests/ PASSED [ 5%] # tests/ PASSED [ 11%] # tests/ PASSED [ 16%] # tests/ PASSED [ 22%] # tests/ PASSED [ 27%] # tests/ PASSED [ 33%] # tests/ PASSED [ 38%] # tests/ PASSED [ 44%] # tests/ PASSED [ 50%] # tests/ PASSED [ 55%] # tests/ PASSED [ 61%] # tests/ PASSED [ 66%] # tests/ PASSED [ 72%] # tests/ PASSED [ 77%] # tests/ PASSED [ 83%] # tests/ PASSED [ 88%] # tests/ PASSED [ 94%] # tests/ PASSED [100%] # ============================== warnings summary ============================== ```


Deployment - Use Travis as CI/CD tool. - steps of CI/CD: 1. Run unit-test 2. Build dockerfile 1. Deploy to DockerHub/AWS ECR 2. Deploy to AWS ECS 3. Update AWS ECS task, services 4. API updated


RESTful status code | code | comment | example | ref| | --- | ----- | -------- | ----- | | `1xx` | `1xx` -> `msg`. Client request already been accepted or is processing by server | | | | `2xx` | `2xx` -> `SUCCESS`. Client request already accepted and completed by server | | | | `3xx` | `3xx` -> `RE-DIRECT`. Though client request already been accepted by server. But there some further operations needed | | | | `4xx` | `4xx` -> `ERROR`. Some syntax errors in client request, or the request can't be processed for some reasons | | | | `5xx` | `5xx` -> `SERVER-ERROR`. There are errors on server side when process the validated request from client | | |


TODO - Fix return msg (api) when invalid input - Fix error handling - Fix data process logic - Fix model train, test evaluation logic - Fix duplicated class instantiation - Fix `high level` : inconsistency when update some model out of all models - Fast model IO - Automate whole process : dev -> test -> deploy to AWS - Offline training - Online training (when new input data, save the re-train model as new version) - Train (via API) with super-parameter / parameter - Output model as standard format - Track log


Ref - [RESTful API design]( - stackoverflow blog : best-practices-for-rest-api-design - [which API? : RPC vs REST vs GraphQL,](